Sunday, February 08, 2009

Whiteness Theory - Race Based Fascism

As most of you know I am not at all supportive of the idea of race based education. In particular I am very critical of whiteness theory. I see it as a fundamentally flawed construct that if taken to heart has the potential for much abuse and harm. Unfortunately its popularity in education has grown…. largely due to an ever expanding cadre of zealots who have worked resolutely to spread such dogma into education programs across North American campuses. Whiteness Theory is a dangerous idea for many reasons. In fact I would go so far as to say that it at its heart it is nothing more than another example of race-based fascism.

The most common example of race-based fascism (which was not the Fascism of Mussolini, Franco, Peron and Salazar) is National Socialism. The ideology most associated with the Third Reich. Now I can see some eyes rolling at my suggestion (comparisons with Nazism are unfortunately a dime-a-dozen these days) but I urge you, to hear me out. If you follow my points you will see that the similarity is more than just uncanny.

Lets look at this (there is a redundancy in some of the language but this is intentional)

1.National Socialism sees the world in terms of race.
Whiteness Theorists see the world in terms of race.

2. For National Socialists unjust power is held by the Jew
For Whiteness Theorists unjust power is held by white heterosexual males.

3. National Socialists believe that Jews must be stripped of their power.
Whiteness Theorists believe that white heterosexual males must be stripped of their power.

4. National Socialists believe in biasing the educational curriculum to advance their ideology.
Whiteness Theorists believe in biasing the educational curriculum to advance their ideology.
Both believe in preaching to a captive audience.

5.National Socialists sought alliances with others when it suited them (Japanese and Italian Fascists, Non-Nazi German nationalists etc).
Whiteness Theorists seek alliances with others when it suits them (multi-culturists, Marxists, unionists, gay advocacy groups, feminists etc).

6. National Socialism had clout in the university system (yes even the esteemed philosopher Martin Heidegger was synpathetic to it it).
Whiteness theorists have clout in the current university system (especially departments of Education and the Humanities since the Gramscian Revolution)

7. National Socialists weren’t afraid to used violence to rattle the liberal establishment (Munich Putsch)
Whiteness advocates have used violence to rattle the liberal establishment (the Cornell cafeteria takeover comes to mind).

8. National Socialists champion group rights over individual rights.
Whiteness Theorists champion group rights over individual rights.

9. National Socialists are utopic in their ultimate vision.
Whiteness theorists are utopic in their ultimate vision

10. National Socialists often se emotion as a weapon against reason.
Whiteness theorists often use emotion as a weapon against reason.

11. National Socialism is willing to ignore the genetic evidence against race.
Whiteness Theory is willing to ignore the genetic evidence against race.
Both are of course wedded to pseudo-scientific idealism.

12. National Socialists disdain Western traditions and Judeo-Christian values.
Whiteness theorists disdain Western traditions and Judeo-Christian values.

13. National Socialism have fringe cultural myths lurking at their periphery (eg. Teutonic Pagan legends).
Whiteness theorists have fringe cultural myths lutking at their periphery (eg. Afrocentrism).

14. National Socialism is Hegelian in that it believes in the march of history toward a specific end.
Whiteness theorists believe that they too are in line with the overall march of history to a specific end.

15. National Socialists were willing to exploit an apparent weakness of liberalism to take power (the Nazis made use of the German electoral system).
Whiteness theorists are willing to exploit an apparent weakness of liberalism for empowerment (that weakness is our sense of fairness and equality…even though I believe that this is not an ideal that we should ever surrender).

16. National Socialism is obsessed with power (a belief derived from its intellectual supremo Friederich Nietzche – although Nietzche himself would probably have disdained Nazism )
Whiteness Theory is obsessed with power (a belief derived from its intellectual supremo Michel Foucalt).

17. National Socialists justified their actions as a reaction against oppression (eg. breaking the shackles of Versailles )
Whiteness theorists consistently justify their action as a reaction against oppression (destroying white domination)

18. National Socialists guilted the Western liberal establishment into acquiescing to their demands (Policy of Appeasement).
Whiteness theorists play the guilt card as well especially in dealing with university administrations who have allowed these advocates to take over higher education courses and turn them into indoctrination workshops.

19. National Socialism has a central Sorelian myth at its core: ie. The stifling of the Will of the German People by the Jews and their allies.
Whiteness Theory has a central Sorelian myth at its core: ie. The Social Construct of Race by Whites.

20. National Socialists were intolerant to criticism of the ideology (the Brown shirts were notorious for breaking up opposition Party rallies)
Whiteness Theorists are no slouches either with respect to silencing opposition to their ideology (bring a conservative speaker to campus such as David Horowitz or Shelby Steele and you will see what I mean….).

There are probably more than these twenty....I'll let you think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Race Baed Fasism is one of the most important concept in whiteness theory.
A central tenet of whiteness theory is a reading of history and its effects on the present, inspired by pos tmodernism and historicism, in which the very concept of race is said to have been socially constructed in order to justify discrimination against non-whites. Since the 1800s, critics of the concept of race have questioned if human races even exist and pointed out that arbitrary categories based on phenotypical characteristics are chosen, and that the idea of race is not about important differences within the human species.

Chicano Cultural Myths