Saturday, June 02, 2007

Number of Hits on Google

I have just carried out a little experiment on Google.
The following is the number of hits for each of the searches:
(All in millions)

Paris Hilton - 42.1
Jesus Christ - 26.8
Christ - 90.7
Moses - 29.1
Mohammed - 26
George Bush - 144
Bush - 177
Bin Laden - 11.4
Britney Spears - 26.2
Oprah - 33.8
American Idol - 34.1
Hilary Clinton - 20.1
Obama - 15.4
Terrorism - 56.8
Guiliani - 12.8
McCain - 13.4
Romney - 8.9
Bill Clinton - 45.5
Al Gore - 32.1
Jolie - 56.8
God - 349
Satan - 24.5
Hitler - 36
Stalin - 12.8
Churchill - 28.5
Chomsky - 9.3
Cheney - 23.2
Lohan - 30.7

No comments for now?????

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